Invitation to join us at the inaugural White water change event

Change was never plain sailing but we now have “turbulent waters”, forcing us to navigate the post-pandemic world and question our ways of working.
Now more than ever we need to understand and apply the universal rules of organizational change, culture change, social change or any change as long as its impact is BIG and sustainable change. Change that will help us navigate current and future “turbulent waters”.
At The Chalfont Project, we have spent the last 30+ years formulating our “universal rules” for change management, and we want to share them with you.
Please join us at “White Water Change”, an invite-only exclusive event where our CEO, Founder, international speaker and author Dr Leandro Herrero will uncover, explore and discuss these rules with you in an interactive and thought-provoking session. To register your attendance, please click here to complete a brief contact form.
event details
Date: January 30th, 2023
Time: 1300 – 1700 (Netherland)
Coffee, water and a selection of teas will be available throughout the event.
Venue: Pestana Riverside Hotel
Amsteldijk 67, 1074 HZ Amsterdam
More about the location.
Please let us know in advance if you need a reserved parking space.

What will be discussed?
During this interactive session, you will be able to select from a menu of 40 principles to explore in depth. All of them have enormous power when applied in a practical way. We will go deep – beyond the slogan – to visualise them in real life. Here are 10 examples:
- Readiness to change is a red herring
- It’s peer-to-peer (or not worth the effort)
- Scale it
- Surprise, always surprise
- “Story it”
- It’s (always) personal
- Work your influencers
- Communicate less
- Leadership is only plural
- Make it tribal
a message from dr leandro herrero
I have a story to tell
For more than 30 years I have been involved in ‘change’ in organizations. First as a manager and leader in global companies, holding senior technical, scientific and commercial roles. Afterwards, within The Chalfont Project, leading large scale change in organizations. In that process, Viral Change™ was born.
Again and again, some fundamental principles, and often inconvenient truths were popping up all the time. They were emerging from the practical work that I was doing with my team, not from the theory of books or ‘change models’ or ‘change methods’. In fact, I have done a lot of challenging to the conventional management thinking in this area.
Finally, these principles, somehow ‘universal rules’ that resist being ignored, side-lined or forgotten, have managed to get together and this is the first time I will make them public before they make their way to print.
We need fresh and different
Over the years I have accumulated lots of antibodies against the myriad of platitudes that traditional management thinking and the language of consultants, gurus and Business Fortune Tellers use every day. So called business publications are progressively underwhelming in their depth and originality.
We hear and read that ‘we need to start with why’, that ‘we need to follow the 5 steps for this, and the 7 steps for that’. Also, that we need to think outside the box and change the structure of the company to the latest fad. They all seem to come from some kind of ‘Corporate B.S generator’ that you can find on the web. Reality has become a colossal Dilbert comic strip.
And then …
To make things more interesting and forcing a serious need for a ‘reboot’ in our thinking, the pandemic has turned everything upside down. The ‘hybrid vs non hybrid’ discussion, valuable as it is and certainly powerful enough to get a lot of airtime, is not near to addressing the new complexity of change that we have in front. Certainly it’s not plain sailing, not even choppy out there, it’s White Water navigation. But we are mostly equipped for yesterday’s problems.
When you filter out the noise, when you try to extract the core, the fundamentals, those ‘universal rules’ that refuse to go, you are left with a few strong and powerful drivers. I’ve got 40 of them. And I am seriously resisting the urge to ‘get them down’ to the most vociferous few.
I want to share them with you, some with more depth than others because of time, but giving enough visibility to all.
This is the first time I have put them all together. I have written 9 business books but never hosted these ‘universal rules’ in one place. Now I have a story to tell under one roof.
I now have something to share with you.
I look forward to meeting you soon.
Dr Leandro Herrero
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